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Wildflower Seeds 30g

£13.95 Ex VAT
£16.74 Inc VAT

Create an attractive wildflower green roof and welcome bees and butterflies with this special blend of UK wildflower seeds selected specifically for green roofs.

Green Roof Seeds - wildflower mix

These wildflower seeds are specially selected to thrive on a green roof all year round. The mix of native wildflowers and herbs will attract butterflies, bees and other wildlife to your living roof, as well as providing a burst of colour.

Each 30 gram box is sufficient seed for a 10m2 extensive green roof and contains a wide range of suitable flowers. The mix has been carefully selected to grow in low depth, low fertility green roof substrates.

Types of wildflower

The wildflower seed packet contains the following UK native wildflowers and herbs:

  • Viper's-bugloss - Echium vulgare
  • 50/50 Ribwort Plantain: Common Knapweed (100%) 
  • Toadflax; Common - Linaria vulgaris
  • Mignonette; Wild (kg) - Reseda lutea
  • Bedstraw; Lady's (kg) - Galium verum
  • St John's Wort; Perforate Or Common (kg) - Hypericum perforatum
  • Scabious; Field (kg) - Knautia arvensis
  • Hawkbit; Rough (kg) - Leontodon hispidus
  • Hawkbit; Autumn (kg) - Leontodon autumnalis
  • Daisy; Oxeye (kg) - Leucanthemum vulgare
  • Bird's-foot-trefoil; Common (kg) - Lotus corniculatus
  • Mallow; Musk (kg) - Malva moschata
  • Marjoram; Wild (kg) - Origanum vulgare
  • Plantain; Hoary (kg)
  • Cowslip (kg) - Primula veris
  • Burnet; Salad (kg) - Sanguisorba poterium
  • Selfheal (kg) - Prunella vulgaris
  • Agrimony (kg) - Agrimonia eupatoria
  • Buttercup; Bulbous (kg)
  • Campion; Bladder (kg) - Silene vulgaris
  • Vetch; Kidney (kg) - Anthyllis vulneraria
  • John Chambers Basic Annuals (kg)

Sowing your wildflower seeds

Wildflower seeds are designed to be sewn onto the surface of your green roof substrate. Do not cover them or mix the seeds in with the growing medium. You should scatter them by hand, aiming for equal distribution across the whole area of your green roof but not until it's levelled and raked to a fine tilth.   

When to plant/sow your wildflower seeds on your green roof?

It is best to sow your wildflower seed in spring or autumn, although they can be sewn all year round as long as there is sufficient moisture (not too much) and it’s not too cold. Our green roof drainage membrane helps avoid water logging that can be problematic.

Our green roof maintenance guide features helpful tips on when a green roof might need watering.

How long do the wildflowers take to grow?

Depending when the seeds are planted you should expect to see growth in the first year however some seeds (especially perennial species) will require frost/thaw action in order to germinate, therefore flowering may be more successful in the second year.

Permagard - Providing Solutions. Inspiring Confidence.

Permagard are proud of our high quality and affordable Green roof systems. We provide professional products to DIYers. These seeds are an add on to our simple green roof kit. If you have any questions about your living roof specification, we can help. Call our expert team or read our Green Roof Construction Guide for more technical details or our introduction to green roofs. 


  • quality wildflower seeds
  • Ideal for growing in low depth green roof substrates
  • UK wildflower mix
  • varying heights
  • Ideal for green roofs
  • Colourful and biodiverse
  • Attracts a diversity of wildlife including bees and butterflies
  • Convenient 30gram pack
  • Does not contain any grass seed